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Minggu, 25 September 2022

Komunikasi Sosial Sejak Konsili Vatikan II

Bambang Kussriyanto

Malam ini saya hendak menulis tentang Dekrit Konsili Vatikan II  tentang alat-alat komunikasi Inter-Mirifica dan perkembangannya 60 tahun sampai sekarang, Saya ingin mengaitkan tulisan saya dengan dimulainya pembuatan Studio Komunikasi di Kampus FTW Kentungan, sumbangan alumni FTW Rm Yustinus Ardianto Pr dkk Kelompok Komedi Panti Samadi KAJ dan prospek pemanfaatannya baik untuk pewartaan, perluasan jejaring, maupun penghimpunan dana. Maka saya berusaha mengumpulkan bahan dan membaca sebagian. Tapi saya mabok. Ada begitu banyak bahan dari 1963 (dari saat Dekrit Inter-Mirifica diterbikan hingga sekarang).

Saya hentikan kegiatan membaca, namun supaya waktu saya mengumpulkan bahan tetap bermanfaat, saya sampaikan berikut ini daftar bacaan saja. Barangkali ada yang memerlukan.

Theology of Social Communications


0. General / Introductions / Handbooks / Readers

Fuchs, Christian. Social Media: A Critical Introduction. SAGE, 2013.

Hinton, Sam and Larissa Hjorth. Understanding Social Media. SAGE, 2013.

Hunsinger, Jeremy and Theresa Senft (eds.). The Social Media Handbook. Routledge, 2015.

Mandiberg, Michael (ed.). The Social Media Reader. NYU Press, 2012.


1. Communications Theology (general)

Byers, Andrew. TheoMedia: The Media of God and the Digital Age. Wipf &

Stock, 2013.


Ellers, Franz. “Communication Theology: Some Considerations.” Federation of Asian Bishops Conference.


Fortner, Robert. Communication, Media, and Identity: A Christian Theory of Communication. Rowman & Littlefield, 2006.


Pace, Enzo. Religion as Communication. Ashgate, 2011.


Soukup, P. and F.J. Buckley and D.C. Robinson. “The Influence of Information Technologies

on Theology.” Theological Studies 62 (2001): 366-377.


Soukup, Paul. “The Context, Structure, and Content of Theology from a Communication Perspective.” Gregorianum 83/1 (2002): 131-143.


Soukup, Paul. “The Structure of Communication as a Challenge for Theology.” Teología y Vida XLIV (2003): 102-122.


Spadaro, Antonio. Cybertheology: Thinking Christianity in the Era of the Internet. Fordham University Press, 2015. (160 pages)


2. Communications technology (history)

Blum, Andrew. Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet. Ecco, 2013.


Dyer, John. From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology.

Kregel, 2011.


Hart, Archibald and Sylvia Hart Frejd. The Digital Invasion: How Technology Is Shaping You

and Your Relationships. Baker Books, 2013.


Keen, Andrew. The Cult of the Amateur: How Blogs, MySpace, YouTube, and the Rest of Today’s

User-Generated Media Are Destroying Our Economy, Our Culture, and Our Values. Doubleday,


Lanier, Jaron. You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto. Vintage, 2011.


Naughton, John. From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg: Disruptive Innovation in the Age of the Internet.

Quercus, 2015.


Poe, Marshall. A History of Communications: Media and Society from the Evolution of Speech to the Internet. Cambridge, 2010.


Rainie, Lee and Barry Wellman. Networked: The New Social Operating System. The MIT Press, 2012. (302 pages)


Standage, Tom. Writing on the Wall: Social Media – The First 2,000 Years. Bloomsbury, 2014.


van Dijck, Jose. The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media. Oxford University Press, 2013.


3. the iWorld (culture)

Bauerlein, Mark (ed.). The Digital Divide: Arguments for and against Facebook, Google, Texting,

and the Age of Social Networking. Tarcher/Penguin, 2011.


Bauerlein, Mark. The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and

Jeopardizes Our Future (Or, Don’t Trust Anyone Under 30). Tarcher, 2008.


Detweiler, Craig. iGods: How Technology Shapes Our Spiritual and Social Lives. Brazos Press, 2013. (256 pages)


Freitas, Donna. The Happiness Effect: How Social Media Is Driving a Generation to Appear Perfect at Any Cost. Oxford University Press, 2017.


Goodman, Daniel Ross. "The iPhone and us." The Public Discourse, 8/25/17.


Hoopes, Tom. "How New Media Are Destroying Our Lives" (5/30/14) and "How New Media

Can Enhance Our Lives" (5/31/14). CatholicVote.org


Horsfeld, Peter and Mary Hess and Adan Medrano (eds.). Belief in Media: Cultural Perspectives

on Media and Christianity. Ashgate, 2004.


Larsen, Elena. Cyberfaith: How Americans Pursue Religion Online. Pew Internet and American

Life Project, 2001.


Mitchell, Jolyon and Sophia Marriage (eds.). Mediating Religion: Studies in Media, Religion

and Culture. Bloomsbury / T&T Clark, 2003.


Schroeder, Samantha. “Beyond the Screen: Love in a Time of Social Media.” The Public

Discourse (3/23/15)


Scruton, Roger. "Curiouser and Curiouser." The American Spectator (November 2011).


de Solenni, Pia. “The ‘Emotive Alphabet’ of Youth.” Pontifical Council for Culture, 2013.


Stig, Hjarvard. The Mediatization of Culture and Society. Routledge, 2013.


Twenge, Jean M. iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy – and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood--and What That Means for the Rest of Us. Atria Books, 2017.


Twenge, Jean. "Have smartphones destroyed a generation?" The Atlantic, September 2017 issue.


4. Digital Citizens (anthropology)

Carr, Nicholas. "How smartphones hijack our minds." The Wall Street Journal, 10/6/17.


Carr, Nicholas. “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” The Atlantic. July/August 2008.


Carr, Nicholas. The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains. W.W. Norton, 2011.


Carr, Nicholas. The Glass Cage: How Our Computers Are Changing Us. W.W. Norton, 2015.


Floridi, Luciano (ed.). The Onlife Manifesto: Being Human in a Hyperconnected Era. Springer Open, 2015.


Herzfeld, Noreen. Technology and Religion: Remaining Human in a Co-created World.

Templeton Press, 2009.


Hipps, Shane. Flickering Pixels: How Technology Shapes Your Faith. Grand Rapids, MI:

Zondervan, 2009.


Palfry, John and Urs Gasser. Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital

Natives. Basic Books, 2010.


Reinke, Tony. 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You. Crossway, 2017.


Rosen, Christine. “Our Cell Phones, Ourselves.” The New Atlantis (Summer 2004): 26-45.


Smith, Rosa Inocencia. “Paranoid Narcissism: What Dostoevsky Knew About the Internet.”

The American Spectator.


Sullivan, Andrew. "I used to be a human being." New York magazine, 9/18/16.


Zhao, Shanyang. “The Digital Self: Through the Looking Glass of Telecopresent Others.”

Symbolic Interaction 28/3 (2005): 387-405.


5. Networked Individuals (psychology)

Alter, Adam. Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us

Hooked. Penguin Press, 2017.


Balick, Aaron. The Psychodynamics of Social Networking: Connect-Up Instantaneous Culture and the Self. Karnac Books, 2013.


Blum, Christopher and Joshua Hochschild. A Mind at Peace: Reclaiming an Ordered Soul in the Age of Distraction. Sophia Institute Press, 2017.


Eyal, Nir. Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life. BenBella Books, 2019.


Pang, Alex Soojung-Kim. The Distraction Addiction: Getting the Information You Need and the

Communication You Want, Without Enraging Your Family, Annoying Your Colleagues, and

Destroying Your Soul. Little, Brown & Co., 2013.


Parisi, Eli. The Filter Bubble: How the New Personalized Web Is Changing What We Read and

How We Think. Penguin Books, 2012.


Power, Andrew and Grainne Kirwan (eds.). Cyberpsychology and New Media: A Thematic

Reader. Psychology Press, 2014.


Rosen, Larry. iDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession with Technology and Overcoming Its Hold

on Us. St. Martin’s Press, 2012. (220 pages)


Shacter, Hannah. "Me, Myselfie, and I: The Psychological Impact of Social Media Activity."

Psychology in Action, 9/17/15.


Suler, John. Psychology of the Digital Age: Humans Become Electric. Cambridge University

Press, 2015.


Tollefson, Christopher. "Our Addiction to Technology: Resistance Must Begin in the Home."

The Public Discourse, 6/28/17.


6. Alone Together (sociology)

Baym, Nancy. Personal Connections in the Digital Age. Polity, 2010.


Cox, Brandon. Rewired: How Using Today’s Technology Can Bring You Back to Deeper

Relationships, Real Conversations, and the Age-Old Methods of Sharing God’s Love. Passio, 2014.


Harris, Michael. The End of Absence: Reclaiming What We’ve Lost in a World of Constant

Connection. Current Hardcover, 2014.


Keen, Andrew. Digital Vertigo: How Today’s Online Social Revolution Is Dividing, Diminishing,

and Disorienting Us. St. Martin’s Griffin, 2013.


Ling, Richard. New Tech, New Ties: How Mobile Communication Is Reshaping Social Cohesion.

MIT Press, 2008.


Marche, Stephen. “Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?” The Atlantic. May 2012.


Persson, Anders. “Front- and backstage in ‘social media’.” International Sociological

Association (July 2010)


Scruton, Roger. “Hiding Behind the Screen.” The New Atlantis (Summer 2010): 48-60.


Silverman, Jacob. Terms of Service: Social Media and the Price of Constant Connection. Harper,



Turkle, Sherry. Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. Basic Books, 2012. (305 pages)


Turkle, Sherry. "The flight from conversation." The New York Times, 4/21/12.


Turkle, Sherry. Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age. Penguin, 2016.


Turkle, Sherry. "Stop Googling. Let's Talk." The New York Times, 9/26/15.


Zuckerman, Ethan. Digital Cosmopolitans: Why We Think the Internet Connects Us, Why It

Doesn’t, and How to Rewire It. W.W. Norton, 2014.


7. aggiornamento (Church teaching)

7a - Church documents

Vatican Council II. Inter Mirifica. Decree on the Means of Social Communication. (12/4/1963)


Pontifical Council for Social Communications. Communio et Progressio. Pastoral Instruction on the Means of Social Communication (1971)


Congregation for Education. “Guide to the Future Training of Priests Concerning the

Instruments of Social Communications.” (1986)


Pontifical Council for Social Communications. Aetatis Novae. Pastoral Instruction on Social

Communications on the Twentieth Anniversary of Communio et Progressio (1992)


Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. “Instruction on Some Aspects of the Use of the

Instruments of Social Communication in Promoting the Doctrine of the Faith” (1992).


John Paul II. “The Rapid Development.” Apostolic Letter to Those Responsible for

Communications (1/24/2005)


7b – Messages for World Day of Social Communications

• by Pope Paul VI (1967-1978)

• by Pope John Paul II (1979-2005)

• by Pope Benedict XVI (2006-2013)

• by Pope Francis (2014 - )


7c – Pontifical Council for Social Communications

Celli, Archbishop Claudio Maria. “We, though Many, Are One Body.” Catholic Media

Conference (Indianapolis, 2012).


Tighe, Monsignor Paul. “The Challenge for the Church in a Digital Age.” ABC Religion and

Ethics (3 May 2012).


7d - Studies

Caccamo, James. “The Message on the Media: Seventy Years of Catholic Social Teaching on

Social Communication.” Josephinum Journal of Theology 15/2 (Summer/Fall 2008): 390-426.


Dailey, Thomas. "The Church at 30,000 Feet: Appreciating Pope Francis's Interviews with

Journalists." Journal of Catholic Social Thought 16/2 (2019): 319-337.


Eilers, “Inter Mirifica after 50 Years: Origin, Directions, Challenges.” SEDOS Bulletin, 2014.


Kappeler, Warren. Communication Habits for the Pilgrim Church: Vatican Teaching on Media

and Society. Peter Lang, 2009.


Landry, Roger. “Communications Lessons from Pope Francis.” Catholic New Media

Conference, 2013.


O’Loughlin, Michael. The Tweetable Pope: A Spiritual Revolution in 140 Characters. HarperOne, 2015.


Zsupan-Jerome, Daniella. Connected Toward Communion: The Church and Social Communications in the Digital Age. Michael Glazier, 2014. (130 pages)


7e – Lectures


2014 - Dailey, Thomas. “Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in Person: Evangelization and Social

Communications with Pope Francis.” Origins 43/35 (2/6/14): 577-582.

2015 – Allen, John. “How Pope Francis Models Effective Communications”

2016 – Rosica, Thomas. “Sharing the Joy of the Gospel with the Media and through the Media”

2017 – Erlandson, Gregory. “The Power of the Word: Catholic Media and Faith Formation.”

2018 - Barron, Bishop Robert. “Word on Fire: A Story of Evangelization for the Digital Age”

2019 - Daniels, Kim. “From Anger to Renewal: Communications and Crisis in the Church”

2020 - Schmitz, Fr. Mike. “Evangelization: Telling the Story of God’s Love”

2021 - Robinson, Brett. “Church Communications Ecology” (video)


2009 – “Blessed Be the Net? A Roman Perspective on the Problems of New Communications”

2017 – “What Does It Mean to Communicate? Unity, Truth, Goodness, and Beauty”


2015 - “Catholic Communications in the Age of Pope Francis”


8. cyberReligion (fundamental theology)

Barron, Robert. Arguing Religion: A Bishop Speaks at Facebook and Google. Word on Fire,



Bosch, Míriam Díez and Paul Soukup and Josep Lluís Mícp and Daniella Zsupan-Jerome (eds.).

Authority and Leadership: Values, Religion, Media. Blanquerna School of Communication and

International Relations (Barcelona), 2017.


Campbell, Heidi (ed.). Digital Religion: Understanding Religious Practice in New Media Worlds.

Routledge, 2012.


Campbell, Heidi. “Understanding the Relationship between Religion Online and Offline in a Networked Society.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion (2011): 1-30.


Campbell, Heidi. When Religion Meets New Media. Routledge, 2010.


Campbell, Heidi and Stephen Garner. Networked Theology: Negotiating Faith in Digital Culture. Baker, 2016. (147 pages)


Dawson, Lorne and Douglas Cowan (eds.). Religion Online: Finding Faith on the Internet.

Routledge, 2004.


Ford, Dennis. A Theology for a Mediated God: How Media Shapes Our Notions of Divinity.

Routledge, 2015.


Hadden, Jeffrey and Douglas Cowan (eds.). Religion on the Internet [Religion and the Social

Order, vol. 8]. Emerald Group Publishing, 2000.


Hayes, Michael. Googling God: The Religious Landscape of People in Their 20’s and 30’s. Paulist

Press, 2007.


Højsgaard, M.T. and M. Warburg (eds.). Religion and Cyberspace. Routledge, 2005.


Hipps, Shane. Flickering Pixels: How Technology Shapes Your Faith. Zondervan, 2009.


Hoover, Stewart M. et al. Faith Online. Pew Internet and American Life Project, 2004.


Hoover, Stewart. Religion in the Media Age. Routledge, 2006.


McClure, Paul. “Faith and Facebook in a Pluralistic Age: The Effects of Social Networking

Sites on the Religious Beliefs of Emerging Adults.” Sociological Perspectives (2016): 1-17.


Robinson, Brett. Appletopia: Media Technology and the Religious Imagination of Steve Jobs.

Baylor University Press, 2013.


9. cyberEthics (morality)

Alia, Valerie. Media Ethics and Social Change. Routledge, 2004.


Arassa, D. and L. Canton and L. Ruiz (eds.). Religious Internet Communication: Facts,

Experiences, and Trends in the Catholic Church. Roma: Edusc, 2010.


Caccamo, James. “What’s in a Tech? Factors in Evaluating the Morality of Our Information

and Communication Practices.” Journal of Moral Theology 4/1 (2015): 151-180.


Caccamo, James. “You Are What You Tweet: Technology and Religious Ethics in an Age of

Gadgets.” In Religious and Ethical Perspectives for the Twenty-First Century, ed. Paul O. Myhre,

65-87. St. Mary, MN: Anselm Academic, 2013.


James, Carrie. Young People, Ethics, and the New Digital Media: A Synthesis from the GoodPlay Project (MacArthur Foundation, 2009).


Schultze, Quentin. Habits of the High-Tech Heart: Living Virtuously in the Information Age. Baker Academic, 2004.


Wolf, Mark. Virtual Morality: Morals, Ethics, and New Media. Peter Lang, 2003.


10. cyberChurch (ecclesiology)

Berger, Teresa. “Participatio actuoso in Cyberspace? Vatican II’s Liturgical Vision in a Digital World.” Worship 87/6 (2013): 533-547.


Berger, Teresa. @ Worship: Liturgical Practices in Digital Worlds. Routledge, 2018.


Caccamo, James. “Let Me Put It Another Way: Digital Media and the Future of the Liturgy.” Liturgy 28/3 (2013): 7-16.


Campbell, Heidi (ed.). The Distanced Church: Reflections on Doing Church Online (2020).

Available electronically from https : / /hdl .handle .net /1969 .1 /187891.


Campbell, Heidi (ed.). Revisiting the Distanced Church (2021). Available electronically

from https : / /hdl .handle .net /1969 .1 /193368.


Doyle, C. Andrew. Embodied Liturgy: Virtual Reality and Liturgical Theology in Conversation.

Church Publishing, May 2021.


Friesen, Dwight. Thy Kingdom Connected: What the Church Can Learn from Facebook, the

Internet, and Other Networks. Baker Books, 2009.


Hipps, Shane. Flickering Pixels: How Technology Shapes Your Faith. Zondervan, 2009.


Hutchings, Tim. Creating Church Online: Ritual, Community, and New Media. Routledge,



Larsen, Elena. Wired Churches, Wired Temples: Taking Congregations and Missions into

Cyberspace. Pew Internet and American Life Project, 2000.


Rice, Jesse. The Church of Facebook: How the Hyperconnected Are Redefining Community.

David C. Cook, 2009.


Schmidt, Katherine G. Virtual Communion: Theology of the Internet and the Catholic Sacramental Imagination. Lexington Books / Fortress Academic, 2020.


Welsh, Patrick and Thomas Dailey. “Mass ad Digitalem.” Homiletic & Pastoral Review (April 27, 2020).


Zsupan-Jerome, Daniella. “Virtual Presence as Real Presence? Sacramental Theology and Digital Culture in Dialogue.” Worship 89/6 (2015): 526-542.


11. cyberGospel (pastoral)

Babin, Pierre and Angela Ann Zukowski. The Gospel in Cyberspace: Nurturing Faith in the

Internet Age. Loyola University Press, 2001.


Barron, Robert. “Evangelizing the Secular Culture through the New Media.” Pontifical

Council for Culture, 2010.


Dailey, Thomas. “Meeting the Digital Challenge to Evangelization.” Rambling Spirit 3

(2015): 4-5.


Drescher, Elizabeth. Tweet If You Heart Jesus: Practicing Church in the Digital Reformation.

Morehouse, 2011.


Finigan, Timothy. “New Movements and New Media.” New Blackfriars 94 (March 2003): 223-



Gan, Eugene. Infinite Bandwidth: Encountering Christ in the Media. Steubenville, OH:

Emmaus Road Publishing, 2010. 144 pages


Gould, Meredith. The Social Media Gospel: Sharing the Good News in New Ways. Liturgical

Press, 2013.


Landry, Scot. Transforming Parish Communications: Growing the Church through New Media. Our Sunday Visitor, 2014. (200 pages)


Lynch, Jonah and Michelle Boras. Technology and the New Evangelization: Criteria for Discernment. Catholic Information Service, 2012.


Lytle, Julie Anne. Faith Formation 4.0: Introducing an Ecology of Faith in a Digital Age. Morehouse, 2013.


Myers, Benjamin. “Theology 2.0: Blogging as Theological Discourse.” Cultural Encounters 6/1

(2010): 47-60.


Vogt, Brandon (ed.). The Church and New Media: Blogging Converts, Online Activities, and

Bishops Who Tweet. Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, 2011.


12. cyberGrace (spirituality)

Challies, Tim. The Next Story: Life and Faith after the Digital Explosion. Zondervan, 2011.


Greenhill, Anita and Marie Gillespie and David Herbert. Social Media, Religion, and

Spirituality. DeGruyter, 2012.


Lewin, David. “’They know not what they do’: The Spiritual Meaning of Technological

Progress.” Journal of Contemporary Religion 25/3 (Oct 2010): 347-362.


Reinke, Tony. Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in the Media Age. Crossway, 2019.


Schuurman, Derek. Shaping a Digital World: Faith, Culture and Computer Technology. IVP Academic, 2013.


Spadaro, Antonio. Cybergrace: Spirituality in the Era of the Internet. e-book published by 40K (2013). 22 pages


Spadaro, Antonio. Friending God: Social Media, Spirituality, and Community. Crossroad , 2016. 66 pages.


Thomas, Adam. Digital Disciple: Real Christianity in a Virtual World. Abingdon, 2011.


Ullman, Brett. Media.Faith.Culture. Word Alive Press, 2011.


Zsupan-Jerome, Daniella. "Creative Communication: Digital Creativity and Theology in

Dialogue." New Theology Review 26/2 (March 2014): 80-87.